Thursday, August 21, 2008

Gmail using Selenium RC

// Login to Gmail and get the link
selenium.Open(""); // Open Gmail Webpage
if (selenium.IsElementPresent("//a[contains(text(),'Sign out')]")) // If Already logged on, logout first
selenium.Click("//a[contains(text(),'Sign out')]");
selenium.Type("//input[contains(@id,'Email')]", inv_InviteEmailAddress); // Enter Gamil User Account. GAMIL account should be set with HTML view
selenium.Type("//input[contains(@id,'Passwd')]", inv_InviteEmailPassword); // Enter Gmail Password
selenium.Click("//input[contains(@name,'signIn')]"); // Click on Gmail Sign In button
selenium.WaitForPageToLoad(sel_TimeOut); // Wait for web page to load. If page dont load after timeout test is failed
Thread.Sleep(Int32.Parse(com_UserThinkTime)); // Time taken by user to take action after page is loaded
selenium.Click("//*[contains(text(),'" + inv_InviteEmailSubject + "')]"); // Click on email with subject as pointed by variable inv_InviteEmailSubject
selenium.WaitForPageToLoad(sel_TimeOut); // Wait for web page to load. If page dont load after timeout test is failed
Thread.Sleep(Int32.Parse(com_UserThinkTime)); // Time taken by user to take action after page is loaded
selenium.Click("//a[contains(text(),'" + inv_InviteEmailRegisterLinkText + "')]"); // Click on link with text as pointed by variable inv_InviteEmailRegisterLinkText
selenium.WaitForPopUp(selenium.GetAllWindowNames()[1], sel_TimeOut);
selenium.Type("//input[contains(@id,'user_password')]", inv_InviteEmailPassword); // Enter password
selenium.Type("//input[contains(@id,'user_password_confirmation')]", inv_InviteEmailPassword); // Enter password again
selenium.Check("//input[contains(@id,'terms_of_use_accepted')]"); // Accpet Terms of USe
selenium.Check("//input[contains(@id,'privacy_statement_accepted')]"); // Accept Privacy statment
Thread.Sleep(Int32.Parse(com_UserThinkTime)); // Time taken by user to take action after page is loaded
selenium.Click("//input[contains(@class,'sign_up_btn')]"); // Click on Signup button
selenium.WaitForPageToLoad(sel_TimeOut); // Wait for web page to load. If page dont load after timeout test is failed
catch (SeleniumException selEx)
throw new Exception("GMAIL Something went wrong",selEx);
// End of Gmail


Vaishakh Thayyil said...

Thanks for the post .
I want to know where could I get the
plugin of selenium for using it with eclipse.

Vaishakh Thayyil said...

Could you please mention what all classes to import along with the code.Also can I use this to bypass
gmail login in my browser..


Unknown said...

Could you suggest how can I capture the compose button click. I want to automate compose and send new email to the same account.


Ravindra Ugaji said...

You can not relay on Compose button. You can try Gmail Shortcut keys instead refer (
